Shof is an Emmy and Annie nominated illustrator and director born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria. In 2005 he attended the Memphis College of Art, and graduated with a BFA in illustration. He began his career as a character designer and digital sculptor for video game studios at Activision and Sony. He worked as an art director for Jam City San Diego.

As a freelancer, his clients have included Disney, Netflix, West Studio, Oddbot, Titmouse and Triggerfish Studios.

In 2014, he illustrated, Kickstarted and published Outcasts of Jupiter, an Africanfuturist comic with his brother, Shobo Coker. He then worked on the 2017 animated documentary, Liyana, which has won several awards including Best Documentary at the LA Film Festival and Grand Prize at the New York Children’s Film Festival.

In 2022, he co-created and illustrated New Masters (Image Comics), a science-fiction adventure graphic novel set in Eko, Nigeria. He also directed Moremi, an animated short in the Kizazi Moto series for Triggerfish and Disney. Moremi was nominated for 3 Annie Awards and 1 Emmy Award, including Best Direction for both awards.

In 2025, he co-created and wrote Bronze Faces (Boom! Studios), a surreal heist drama about 3 Nigerian friends who try to steal back the Benin Bronzes from the British Museum.

He is influenced by Nigerian mythology and literary fiction. Most of his films and practice involve exploring Nigerian identity and Africanfuturism. He has a deep appreciation for stillness in nature in all its splendor and stories that express poetic truths about humanity's shared experience.

He currently lives in Atlanta, USA, but still harbors hopes to one day play for the Nigerian football team at the olympics.


Notable Features

Cartoon Brew feature and interview

An interview with Mia Araujo

Moremi Interview

Residencies and Talks:


  • MICA Animation Lecture 2022

  • Light Grey Art Lab Iceland Travel Residency 2019

  • Art Quarter Budapest Residency 2019


  • Springfield University Liyana Lecture 2019

  • ISGR School in Gothenburg Liyana Animation Workshop 2021, 2021

  • MICA University Animation Career Talk 2021

  • USC University Animation Career Talk 2022

  • Emerald City Comic Con Africanfuturism Talk 2023

  • University of Wisconsin- Madison Animation Talk 2023

  • Abuja, Nigeria, American Film Showcase + US Consulate Animation Workshop 2023

  • University of St. Louis  Kizazi Moto Animation Talk 2024

  • University of Wisconsin- Madison Career Animation Talk 2024

  • D.C., American Film Showcase+ YALI Conference Kizazi Moto Animation Talk 2024
